
Posts Tagged ‘musings’

Hi all,

This story will show you how hard it is to avoid Bisphenol A…. and why it’s so important to avoid it when you can!

Finally, I made it out to a cafe with my friend and NO KIDS!! We sat down at the table and chatted as we waited to order. My hands began seeking out some work, as they always do,  and before I realised what I was doing I was folding up an old receipt into origami style shapes. Harmless you might think? Well I couldn’t believe that I was doing it, knowing what I do about receipts. Receipts usually have a plastic lining that is made primarily of Bisphenol A. Yuck.

This led my friend and I to talk about all the times we had handed our kids receipts to play with. I distinctly remember a time when my child seemed fascinated with collecting the receipts when I collected the money. I’m sure at least some of the plastic film must have made it’s way to her fingertips. But what about me? I collect receipts all the time and my previous work in retail had me changing those shiny little paper rolls often. Who knows how this has contributed to my BPA levels!

Suffice to say, I put the receipt down. Thankfully, the very next minute a coffee was served up to keep my hands occupied. For me this has inspired me to keep avoiding tinned food!


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